Thursday, March 14, 2013

In Case you were wondering today.... March 14, 2013

I started this blog back in January 2012 with the intent to write a lot. Well, Welcome to March 14, 2013 and my first ever blog.

I want to introduce myself a tiny bit. I am 46, Female, Married since I was 19 to the Love of my Life and my best friend. I have no human children but that was by God's design and not mine or my husband's. I am the proud "dogmom" of two young dogs. Moose is a over 100 pounds male Labradoodle that apparently stepped out of line to go pee during the doodle part of him. 

Molly is a feisty female Bouvier De Flandars (or lovingly known as Bouvs) She is my baby. Well, they both are depending on my mood. 

Moose is the most lovable creature in the world. He loves everyone he meets and wants to assure them of his genuine love by lavishing kisses on them, along with some non doodle cream colored lab hair. 

Molly is joyful! She loves to hear herself bark and when my husband or I are laughing she joins in. One of her nick names is Chewbarka because she will bark and bark when she is excited and she will make woooo noises at you, kind of like the big fuzzy thing in Star  Wars. 

I imagine a lot of my blogging will be health related, weight related, exercise related and just things I find humorous or hopefully helpful to pass along.

So, Elephant in the room.... I used to weigh 510 pounds.  (Spoiler alert) I've lost 299 of that girth and have successfully kept off 285 pounds in spite of some road blocks along the way.... or rather speed bumbs. 

I am really tall (for a girl) 5'10" and was that very height since the age of 12! Sprang up like a pole and stayed there. I am the tallest girl in my family that has 4 girls. My sisters are all petite and tiny and girly and short and ladylike. I'm......not but, I'm okay with that. 

Due to some family B.S. while I was a growing girl, I managed to somehow get it deep in my head that I am the ugly sister, I had some help feeling this way but I took that tag and ran with it. I am smart, quick whited and funny. I knew that I was working with limitations because of my 4th place in a 4 person beauty contest. 

Now, I have to say something that I am so thankful for in my life is even if my Mom used to pit my siblings against each other, my Dad.... (My HERO) always taught us to be happy for what other's have even if it means you don't have it.  I can honestly say there have been a mere handful of times when I was jealous of what someone else had and I didn't. So, even though I was the Ugly sister, I have always been proud of my beautiful sisters. I won't mention their names because they will kill me but my instinct is to because I'm so damn proud of them. Ya, I said damn proud. 

My oldest sister and I are 10 years apart. She is so beautiful. Blond hair, big brown eyes and her skin is always tan. She is somewhat shy and reserved. Get her in front of her classroom when she is teaching communications and she is a shining star. I can see her shining star all the time but she really shines when she teaches. She always looks for her place in any situation. I guess really we all do that!

She took care of me as a baby. She gave me my baths and sang to me and I have always, always known that she loves me. Even when she was pissed at me or I had done or said something unkind towards her, I have never doubted she loved me/ loves me. We are as different as night and day in so many areas of our lives but we are like twin thinkers in so many areas of our lives. She is a collage professor, I graduated from high school. She views the world liberally (tree huggin hippy). My views tend to be very conservative (and right). 

We love to dance when we are together even though all of our moves are slower and from the 1980's at best. We find so many of the same things humorous but there are times when I will tell her a joke and she will cock her head which is a sign to me she didn't get the joke. I have the pleasure of talking to her almost every single day. This trend started after my older brother passed away suddenly and she and he were very close. Then I had a heart attack in 2009 (after losing all the weight). Along with my heart attack came news that I will not live long with the birth deformity that was found via heart Cath after my heart attack. This has brought us closer together. I can go on about each of my sisters but for the sake of length, I will little by little let you know their personalities.

My 2nd older sister is 8 years older than I am. She is taller than my 1st oldest sister but not by much. She has white skin (she's careful of skin cancer but smokes like a train), She has beautiful hair that she is coloring a reddish color for some reason but her natural color is dark brown. I used to love to brush her hair when I was little because it was so pretty, (disclaimer: not that her reddish hair is not pretty now as I've only seen it in pictures and I'm sure pictures don't do things justice and I prefer her beautiful brown hair). She has the most dainty hands and feet and her rings on her fingers look so beautiful on her. She is a big wig at a huge store that everyone will know it if I write it so I won't. She has worked there for over 30 years (can you say dedication). Me on the other hand have worked as a house cleaner, for the state I live in, for many country positions. I have applied for many jobs and never had any trouble getting any of them..... once I lost  300 pounds. In direct opposite to my 2nd sister, I have stayed 1 year and a half at the most at one position. (Spoiler alert: I have severe panic and anxiety disorder and I don't like too many people around me at one time and I especially have a hard time with women and how they talk nice to your face and then slam you as son as you walk away) This sister used to sing me and my younger sister to sleep every single night. I still remember the words the the song she sang us..... As I walked out on the streets of Laredo I spied a young cowboy..... you get the picture. She would sing that song and rock us to sleep by sitting on our bed rocking. She has taught me lots of songs but those are for another day (okay Pete!)... This sister is also a liberal thinker (they must have been dropped on their had as children) Just kidding.....or am I. Anyway. She is a lot like me or I'm a lot like her. We both have a quick wit and a sense of humor that is almost always on. She gets all my jokes. She is the life of the party and as I write this I realize try as I might to not be, I am also the life of the party! Hmmmm will have to think on this another date.

I have always known that my 2nd sister loved me too... until the past few years. But, up until then. we were a real team to have to deal with if you were around us during a family event. I have never had to explain a joke to her and we have so much fun together. Me being conservative this sister loves to talk about sex, sexual things, men, men parts, anything that will embarrass me. (I'm not a prude but, I am conservative). I rarely get to talk to this sister since I was told in 2009 that I don't have much time left to live, I've been in and out of the hospital more times than I can count literally. I often wonder what it is that has made my 2nd sister so mad that she won't come see me. Today though, Today is a new day and I think we have made some progress on this. We are going to all get together or all of us that can and laugh and hug and love each other. 

Last but not Least, is the baby. I look like a gorilla standing next to her. She has beautiful white skin with freckles and blue eyes and a beautiful smile.  We are a year and a half apart. I'm older than her by a year and a half. I repeat... not two years but a year and a half! This sister was my one and only true friend as I was growing up. We lived far out in the country where the nearest neighbor was a mile away. There were more girls in the area that we lived that were my sister's age than mine. Even though I was older than her a lot of times I was the tag along. Sometimes it was just because I could drive and had my own car and sometimes it was because I had nothing else to do. Sometimes it was because we didn't have a mom at home and I took on that role seriously with my Dad asking me to "keep an eye on her". This sister is conservative but also liberal. If I stopped pestering her she would probably swing so far left I'd not see her for a while. I keep a tight rein on her political views and I often remind her of my right from wrong views to be sure she is still on the right page!  I know that she does what she wants but I still like to nag at her. That's what big sisters are for. I know that my baby sister loves me not just because she is loving but we were each other's best buds.

She like myself has not had the best of luck working. At a very young age she got into a car accident with my mother and a huge truck hit them in the rear and it was carrying horses. She refused to go to the Dr so she has suffered with her neck getting worse and worse as time goes on. Another thing about this sister is she is EXTREMELY Shy. She is very uneasy around other people and always has been. She is extremely clever but never gives herself credit. She is my one sister that if there were ever a zombie Apocalypse, she would survive. She is the one I would go to. She is a survivor. I admire her ability to make it seem like life is just okay even if it isn't okay. She never worries which is such a good thing. I mean it is even considered a sin and I still struggle with it. 

Well, for now that is what I thought you maybe wondering about today. I hope that you are blessed by God. I hope that you are as lucky as I am and at least 3 sisters that you love and that you know love you back. My family is huge and I will pay tribute to as many of them as I can without making a suck up type deal. I'm pretty much an open book and would love to continue to share with whomever is out there reading this besides maybe my magnificent, beautiful, smart, sexy sisters! 


  1. I love how you write, it's like you are talking to's so you, and you are so wonderful. It's lovely learning more about your sisters too, and your fur babies xx
