Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Poo at the zoo

When I was around 10 or so, my parents decided to "get back together". I don't know why this happened at this particular time but perhaps it was because my Uncle Dave had a massive heart attack. He was declared dead more than a few times on the table but he made it through.... see that old Indian fighting spirit!

Well, we went as a family, Dad, Mom, Baby sister and myself to the hospital in the city where he was. Compared to where we lived it was indeed a city. He was in a hospital in Fresno CA. It was about a 2 hour + drive to get to where he was. This would be the first elevator that I can remember going into. My mom was looking very pretty and my dad was handsome in his normal "Sunday Best". My baby sister and I were darling in matching red dresses with white polka dots on them, hair in braids with ribbons, white socks and black shiny leather shoes. 

We made it to the hospital and my sister and I had to stay out in the hallway because we were too young to go into the ICU ward. I was pretty disappointed that we had driven all the way to be told me can't see our uncle. Not to mention the fact that I was wearing a dress! 

My parents visited with my Uncle for a while I suppose until they were told he needs his rest. As we were leaving the hospital and getting into the elevator, My Mom was having a bit of a melt down. I think it was all the emotion from Uncle Dave being in the hospital and looking so sick. He was such a big strong guy and he must have looked tiny and broken with all the tubes and stuff coming out of him keeping him alive. So, before we even stepped into the elevator she was in tears. My dad being a gentlemen gave her his hanky to dab at her eyes with. The elevator doors closed and we went down a tiny bit before the elevator shifted and like made some loud screechy noises. It came to a sudden stop and then all hell broke loose. My mom became hysterical. She started crying and bawling and telling us she can't be stuck in this tiny room she has claustrophobia, I had no idea what that meant except that it must come on you suddenly like the flu because now it looks like my baby sister was coming down with it too. 

This was the 70's so lots of women would wear hairpieces. Like just a bun or another little something to add to their hair. Well, my mom is in full bawling freaking out mode. Pushing buttons on the elevator. Baby sister is crying and trying to get to mom for comfort but mom couldn't think about baby sister's safety as she was too scared herself. She pulled at her hair and her face and the black mascara and painted on eyebrows were on her cheeks. Just as suddenly as the elevator stopped, it started again and we finished our journey down. The doors magically opened and when they did and we four stepped out into the sunshine. I couldn't stop laughing. I got the giggles which made my dad get the giggles. My baby sister started to giggle but mom was pissed. Dad tried to help mom with her bun which was hanging on the side of her head pre-princess Leah. She wouldn't let anyone help her get "fixed" we walked to the car me trying hard not to laugh but not winning the battle of my humor and my Dad looking back at me occasionally to try to get me to stop laughing. We got into our Forest Green Pinto and mom pulled the visor down and saw her face. Finally she laughed too as she fixed her face up with some new eyebrows and mascara and set her bun back on top of her head where it was supposed to be. She pinned it with extra bobby-pins because my Dad announced since we were such good girls he was taking us to the Fresno Zoo.

We had a tiny zoo in our town of Atascadero but this zoo promised other animals. Like rhinos and polar bears. We walked into the zoo as a family. I remember feeling so happy to have both of my parents there and they seemed to be so in love. Dad asked us if we would like to have a pic nick outside from the hot dog stand. We all agreed and just when we were leaving the zoo a huge bird like Turkey size, pooped right on my mom's head. Once again I was over come with laughter. I couldn't get a grip. The poo landed right on her bun and it was about the same size as her bun. Dad brought out his trusty hanky and tried to dab at the poo but instead ended up spreading it out more. It left the bun and headed for her actual hair. My mom went into the bathroom and came out bunless with her hair soaking wet and straight as an arrow. Once again, she was missing an eyebrow that had somehow been washed down the drain with the bird poo. 

We drove the over 2 hours back home and on the way, my parents were making plans to come back to where my Uncle Lives when he got out of the hospital to clean his house and get it ready for him to return. He would be coming home from the hospital as a former smoker. There was a lot to do in his home and my Dad new that his hard working girls would get the job done. My parents stayed together this time about a month. By the time we were supposed to go to Uncle Dave's to clean his house and prepare it, Mom had already moved out on us again. We still went to Uncle Daves and my baby sister and I worked so hard to prepare that house for him to come to a clean house. His wife wasn't much of a house keeper but we got his place in ship shape. My dad fixed some things around there that had been broken and we even had a nice dinner for him and our aunt when they came home from the hospital. Uncle Dave only asked where our mom was one time. The simple answer that my dad gave was, "she left." was enough to know we were alone again for a while. Or maybe it was the tears in my baby sister's eyes. 

Even though this may sound sad, the time that we had at the zoo that day was one of the most fun and laughter filled time I've ever had with my Dad, Mom and baby sister. I thank God for memories like that. They live on and over 30 years later still make me laugh until my stomach aches!

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